The Stabio Family

Oh mi gosh, this family. I just love them! We had lots planned for Dominic’s 1 year session, and he was so good we got through *almost* everything! His eyes just kill me!! And then there are his big sisters, Daniella & Riley, who I have been photographing since they were little and can’t believe how grown up they seem now. We had a great time, and we got a lot of really fun pictures. Thank you Chris & Stephanie!!




When I grow up I want to be just like daddy…20130906-RA6A3863 20130906-RA6A3905 20130906-RA6A3911 20130906-RA6A3921 20130906-RA6A3963 20130906-RA6A3974 20130906-RA6A3990 20130906-RA6A4011 20130906-RA6A4027-Edit 20130906-RA6A4031 20130906-RA6A4081 20130906-RA6A4121

Mommy & daddy requested a few pictures of him in his dirt bike gear. It won’t be long before he is riding!20130906-RA6A4168 20130906-RA6A4171 20130906-RA6A4210 20130906-RA6A4221 20130906-RA6A4229 20130906-RA6A4235 20130906-RA6A4236

I told you those eyes were killer!!20130906-RA6A4242 20130906-RA6A4249 20130906-RA6A4254 20130906-RA6A4256 20130906-RA6A4262

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