
It’s been almost a month since my last blog. I realized that as I was pulling pictures for this post. Normally I would be disappointed that I let it go that long, but with everything that has happened in this month I am going to give myself a free pass this time.

Here is a quick recap of what’s going on over here.

The boys graduated and turned 18. Yep, there are now four adults in our house. We officially outnumber the kids. For a few months, anyways.

We had lots of family in town to celebrate, and my parents graciously hosted a graduation party for Nick & Paul at their house, since ours was full of boxes. The morning after the party we moved. After just a few hours of sleep we finished packing and said goodbye to the house we took all 3 girls home from the hospital to and settled into a new home, hopefully our forever home.

We are settling in slowly.

Throw a dance recital in the mix (and those of you that dance at Encore knows what a production this is!), a mini family reunion at my mom’s house,  lots of summer nights spent in our new backyard and then this week’s Vacation Bible School…and that has been our month.

I am typing from my office, surrounded by clutter that includes a Little People house, a curling iron (from the dance recital madness), lots of paperwork, old curtains and a breakfast tray…among other random boxes and stuff. I plan on organizing this room next, but I do have to say I have outdone myself setting up our new pantry. It is a Pinterest dream.

One room at a time, one room at a time…

The dance recital. Ridiculously adorable. The girls had the teeniest tiniest part but were so proud of themselves. They made the cutest baby munchkins ever.

That night we celebrated the boys birthday. The girls love their brothers.

Summer nights. They have been perfect and breezy and wonderful.

And Hannah? Well, she just gets prettier every day. See?

Here’s to a great summer. Soak it up!


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