I love the beginning of the year. January 1st- you get a clean slate, a chance to make all these grand promises to yourself. My own included blogging more, updating my website to reflect my current work, and planning mini sessions farther out than I typically do. Then January 2nd comes and you put off something on the list, “just for today”. Before you know it, the sun is setting later, the fields are greener…and only a small handful of blog posts later, it is time to discuss spring.
I really will get to those goals of mine. Right now, I am letting myself off the hook, setting more realistic expectations of what life looks like running a small business and raising three children under the age of 7.
So, let’s talk spring! It’s most of your favorite time to get pictures, and I can see why. It is a gorgeous time of year for us spoiled Californians. We also gain those extra hours at the end of the night, making it easy to book several sessions the same day. I like to take advantage of this and offer mini sessions, and I have had so many requests for them this year that I am blown away! This year is going to be way more limited than usual, because I am taking almost all of April off to travel out of the country with Bob (he earned another amazing trip from work this year!) and will also be out of town for my little brother’s wedding.
With all that said, I will be offering FIVE mini session time slots on Saturday, April 5th. There is a catch, though. My turn around time for proofs will be longer than usual (3-4 wks) due to my time off.
The cost is $350 and will include 20 digital files. Please email amysalessi@gmail.com to book.
I have also opened up the books to schedule sessions for the remainder of May and into summer. Just cut me a little slack if I take a few days to get back to you 😉
No blog post is complete without cute pictures, so here are some fun ones from a few weeks ago. This was actually on Hannah’s birthday, one of the rainiest days we have had. Keep our sweet Hannah in your thoughts and prayers over the next few weeks if you can. She goes in to get her tonsils/adenoids removed and possibly get ear tubes put in. This girl is sick ALL the time, so we are really hoping this will make a huge difference.