I have been a little all over the place these last few weeks, in terms of what I have been shooting. Families, newborns, a few events, and even a wedding I was the 2nd shooter for yesterday (which by the way I still feel like I am recuperating from today! Wedding photographers – you are the bomb. Especially Huey Bui– the awesome photographer I got to help out.) It has made me really start to think about where I want this little business I have going to end up. Taking on so many different types of sessions can leave little time to specialize in one area and get really good at just that one thing, you know?
So, I asked myself what it was I enjoyed shooting most.
Duh. My kids. Our everyday life.
So, since I have full say in what I shoot- (HA! The best part of running my own biz, right??) not only will I be doing more of that for my own family, but there will be a big announcement in the next month that will include new lifestyle packages so your family can also have these everyday pictures. I am planning some very fun sessions with some of my favorite people to show you what a lifestyle session looks like. The little moments that we take for granted- a bike ride after dinner, reading a bedtime story, our sleepy babes in their beds. I am so excited to share my new package with you all! I will still take on my usual sessions, and of course offer the on location outdoor family sessions. This new package will probably just be my personal favorite to shoot.
Because these are some of the moments we might miss if we didn’t really stop to see them…
With that, I am moving right along into some of my own personal family moments from the last few weeks.
My grammy turned 76 this last week. She adores her grandbabies. Her specialties are reading, singing & rocking, although she can often be found right on the floor with them, playing with all the “special dolls” – as in the glass ones that they have talked her into dragging out of her room- or even chasing them around outside. I don’t know another great grandma that can keep up with a group like this. And, oh how they love their grammy.
We have butterflies. Yep, four of them. The girls are thrilled. They went from these hairy, little caterpillars (and a full container of caterpillar poop balls- so gross) to these pretty little butterflies. Be warned, though, if you are planning on doing this the butterflies bleed when they come out of their cocoons. Bob was on a conference call when one emerged. Not so sure the little butterfly flapping it’s new little wings & spraying blood all over the place was exactly the “miracle of life” (Sophia’s words) he had pictured. Thankfully, the girls were still asleep & will not be traumatized forever like their dad was.
If you want to order your own butterfly garden you can check them out here.
The boys finished up the school year with amazing grades, as usual, and were honor guards at the senior graduation.
Hard to believe they will be 17 in just a few days. They came into my life at the age of 8, still young enough to need a night light to sleep, and have grown into young men so ready for that taste of freedom but still so content reading books to their baby sisters & playing video games with their dad.
We are so lucky.
Paul is at Boys State for a week- a huge honor to be chosen for. His sisters ask when he will be home about 50 times a day.
Sophia’s first year of preschool has also come to an end.
She has grown from a shy, timid girl that cried on her first day to a confident, excited preschooler that now cries because she misses her teachers. Miss Sandy & Miss Alma have a place in Sophia’s heart forever. And mine. It is such a good feeling to know your girl will be treated with love and cared for like you would care for her yourself when you are not there.
Madison will be starting in the fall, and the girls will have a year together before Sophia goes to kindergarten. Maddie is so ready, counting down the days until she gets to stay for real & not just get to come on “special days”.
In the meantime, we are enjoying the first few weeks of summer break with friends & family.
Sophia claims that “since I am almost 5” she can now eat spaghetti on her own, without having to have it cut up. This is still up for debate, but I let her give it a go.
We spent today with my dad & visited Bob while he was working. The girls thought since it was Father’s Day grandpa should treat them to a little gift.
No, we didn’t really get them anything. They were really kind of confused why we took this picture, but they do anything for me and my camera.
These balloons caused an hour long meltdown tonight when Madison prematurely let hers go (really, I think if it had been 10 seconds later she would have been good with it). She cried herself to sleep.
I hope everyone enjoyed their Fathers Day. My dad & hubby are the best- we are so lucky to have them.
That’s all I have for now. Hoping the two hour nap and 10:00pm diet coke won’t stop me from sleeping tonight.
Have a great week!