I can’t let the year pass without putting up a slideshow of my favorite family pictures, too. I take a lot of pictures. I know that. And sometimes I complain about bringing my camera out everywhere, about constantly feeling the pressure to be the sole photographer in the family at every birthday, holiday, event. But really, this is how I am growing as a photographer, when I learn something new and practice on my own girls, who seriously love to model for me (thank goodness). Posting a picture here on there on facebook is fun, but being able to go back and look at all the little moments that made up our year and knowing that my girls will have these memories forever? That is the most rewarding feeling. It was also an added bonus to play this for the girls this morning and see their eyes get big remembering. Sophia always tells me I “get over excited”, and I probably did with this little video, but I love it.
Take lots of pictures this year. I know I will.