I used to be really good about putting together a picture book of the girls every year. Ironically, now that my full time job is photography I have fallen way behind in the birthday photo albums. But the albums are special to the girls, and we read them over and over. They beg me to hear about the day they were born, remembering little details I shared the last time and inserting them into the story.
I always get a little choked up telling the stories. A mother will always remember the exact emotions felt in that moment meeting her new baby. It’s crazy how much love can go through a person’s soul. You are forever changed.
One of my first moments with Sophia.
Five years later and I still look at her in wonder & amazement. How did I ever become so lucky to be her momma? One of our favorite nightly conversations is me saying I love you, to which she responds, “I love you more”. I always says “Not possible!”. Little girl, one day you will get it.
I have been so blessed the last few years to have had more time with the girls. Our days usually begin late in the morning (unless it’s a school day- we all three just love our late mornings) & we don’t really stick to a schedule much. Most days I only get few checks off my own to-do list, due to way too much goofing around with them. So I work late at night after they are sound asleep (hence the late mornings!). I am soaking up every last minute I can until I have to send her off to kindergarten (and then Madison just one year later). And I love it.
A few of my favorite things about my 5 year old right now:
~She gets the giggles every night at bedtime & will not let me leave the room when tucking her in until she has stopped giggling long enough to give me a kiss that is acceptable to her. A kiss while laughing doesn’t cut it at bedtime. This makes her laugh harder. Sometimes it takes a good 10 minutes from the time I tuck her in until I can leave her room.
~Our special time while Madison is napping when we get out a “big girl” activity or play a game together that she thinks is too old for her little sister. She loves this one on one time. So do I.
~She thinks she is the best singer in the world and belts songs out all day long. When she runs out of songs to sing she makes them up. These are the best ones.
I told her she could pick a favorite thing to do every day this week, and I love that her birthday week celebrations have included painting at Color Me Mine, lunch at Chilis, an afternoon at the library, and will end at Cold Stone tonight before heading to San Diego for the weekend to enjoy Sea World and a little mini vaca. Girl knows how to celebrate big.
I love her with every part of my being and am looking forward to every minute of our weekend celebrations. Happy birthday to my first born little angel.