I have had so many requests for another beginners workshop, and things have been a little busy around here so it hasn’t been on the top of my list. But a morning opened up, so I thought I would put this out there and see if anyone was interested. It is a little last minute (Sunday, June 22nd) but worth a shot to see if it works for you all! Please let me know ASAP if you are interested so I can plan accordingly. This workshop is PERFECT for learning the very basics of your camera, but I also take you into a little more advanced settings. You WILL walk out with an understanding of how your camera works and some pictures you probably never thought you could take! The class is casual- we really have a lot of fun! I love to talk, and I am pretty much an open book!
I schedule these workshops only when I have a free morning on the calendar, and that might not happen again for a long time- so don’t put it off and hope to get in the next one- I have NO idea when that will be!
Sign up here!